A $1.6 billion investment repurposed two former engine plants for the first new assembly plant in Detroit in 30 years, and the home of two new electrified Jeep vehicles.
AGC of America Construction Risk Partners Build America Award
AGC of Michigan Build Michigan Award for Construction Excellence
NMAPC Zero Injury Safety Award
As a key partner in the Walbridge Aristeo Joint Venture (WAJV), Aristeo managed the renovation of two engine plants into the Detroit Assembly Complex, Detroit’s first new assembly plant in three decades. This project was part of Stellantis’ $1.6 billion investment repurposing two former engine plants and building a new paint shop to create a state-of-the-art assembly site for two new electrified Jeep vehicles, adding 3,850 new jobs.
This brownfield reclamation project provided unique challenges, however WAJV utilized proactive and collaborative planning to remove miles of flumes, modify/reinforce hundreds of trusses and execute other updates across the facility. Critical to its success, WAJV also exceeded its goals to work with diverse-owned businesses, Detroit-based businesses and to hire Detroit residents. Aristeo ironworkers recorded 226,960 manhours with zero documented injuries, resulting in a Bronze Zero Injury Safety Award (ZISA). The project was completed on an accelerated 19-month schedule and had an excellent safety record of no lost time injuries across 1.3 million total manhours.
To update the plants, originally built for ground-level conveyor engine assembly, into full assembly plants, the contractors removed 3.7 miles of flumes and filter galleries, added new pits and foundations, modified 128 trusses and reinforced 721 trusses to accommodate the new assembly equipment. The WAJV also added new testing, quality and other structures on site.
In addition to overseeing the project, Aristeo also self performed a variety of work, including:
The WAJV utilized many unique and innovative construction methods, including BIM Modeling to plan truss removal carefully and strategically, utilizing both shop and field fabricated steel for the truss modifications and reinforcement, and a new methodology to horizontally cut and remove the existing 3.7 miles of flumes – saving time and manpower. In addition, the WAJV utilized a team collaborative software and interactive technology to allow for collaborative video meetings with simultaneous note taking and dissemination of critical information like 3D models and videos – ensuring ease of access for Stellantis and the construction team despite physical distances. Lastly the WAJV used multiple methods to successfully procure an incredibly large number of suppliers/subcontractors needed to execute the vast scope of this project.
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