Date: April 1, 2019
Aristeo has been investing in GPS technology to upgrade our privately owned fleet of construction equipment, including bulldozers, motor graders, skid steers, excavators and laser screeds. This technology allows our teams to save our clients time and money, while providing the highest quality end products by increasing our project efficiency.
Our GPS technology helps reduce wasted time and material by only moving the required amount of material, minimizing material overruns, fuel usage and trucking costs for import and disposal charges. With our GPS-controlled equipment, Aristeo teams can input a project blueprint into the onboard machine telematics, including design surfaces, grades and precise location of infrastructure and building coordinates. The equipment always recognizes its position on the jobsite, both geographically and in terms of elevation. The equipment can then excavate, backfill or finish grade with an accuracy of up to a hundredth of an inch.
We can eliminate common occurrences in construction such as over-digging, backfilling with extra material and extra passes with the equipment. Our GPS technology also reduces the amount of manpower needed to complete projects, since the equipment’s high level of accuracy eliminates the need to regularly check elevation or hire additional manpower to place and finish concrete. This allows Aristeo to reallocate manpower elsewhere on the project.
Our investment into GPS-controlled equipment was kick-started by conservations with many of our field employees, who realized that this equipment could streamline their work processes while still providing a high quality end product. We value our experts in the field and have implemented their recommendations by building up our arsenal of GPS-enabled equipment. We regularly follow their recommendations on which jobsites would benefit the most from using our GPS-controlled equipment, always keeping our customers’ needs in mind.
In addition to GPS-controlled technology, all of our equipment is also enabled with GPS tracking. This tracking software tells us where every piece of equipment is across all of our jobsites, as well as how many hours have been logged and what proactive maintenance is necessary. This software is critical for our teams to efficiently track our equipment and ensure every piece is in top working order.
With the use of our GPS-controlled and GPS-tracked equipment, we can reduce costs, accelerate project schedules, improve accuracy and continue to deliver high quality projects to our customers. We have always provided the highest quality end product, but now our customers can experience the benefits of a high quality product in less time – saving them money in the long run.